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Frank Horvat - Photographies

13.05.15 - 31.08.2015

Frank Horvat - Photographies

13.05.15 - 31.08.2015

Frank Horvat - Photographies

13.05.15 - 31.08.2015


From May 13th to July 31st, 2015, the Dina Vierny Gallery presents two series of photographs by Frank Horvat: "Baffo" and "The Hands of Horvat".

In his "Baffo" series, created in 2008, Frank Horvat drew inspiration from the erotic poems of Zorzi Baffo, an 18th-century Venetian poet, by photographing views of Venice as well as bodies in the intimacy of a bedroom. In 2012, he photographed his own hands, like close-up portraits, revealing "with more eloquence than he would wish, his age and the degradation it brings (...)". The exhibition also features photographs from the 1950s taken in Paris.

Born in 1928 in Italy, Frank Horvat is the author of an innovative and multifaceted body of work that has influenced numerous photographers. In 1950, after meeting Henri Cartier-Bresson, he became an independent photojournalist, then worked mainly for "Life" and "Picture Post". From 1957, Frank Horvat became a fashion photographer in Paris and imposed a different style that renewed the previously stiff and frozen fashion photography. He photographed for the biggest fashion magazines such as "Jardin des modes", "Elle", "Glamour", "Vogue", "Harper's Bazaar", in Paris, London, and New York. Subsequently, he created photographic series on eclectic themes ("Trees" - "True Likenesses" - "Bestiary" - "Mythologies" - "Degas' Sculptures" - "Veronica" - "Carrara" - "Baffo" - "The Hands of Horvat"...). From the 1990s onwards, he was one of the first to use computers and experiment with digital imagery.



The Home of Dina Vierny - by Marie Anne Derville

18.10.2023 - 28.10.2023
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La peur au ventre a la une

La peur au ventre

22.11.2019 - 21.01.2020
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Nina Mushinsky – Portraits

Nina Mushinsky – Portraits

07.11.2018 - 24.11.2018
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Frank Horvat – Horvatyear – Diptyques

Frank Horvat – Horvatyear – Diptyques

03.11.2017 - 19.11.2017
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Willy Maywald et la Mode a la une

Willy Maywald et la Mode

30.03.2017 - 13.05.2017
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Frank Horvat – Photos CON

Frank Horvat – Photos CON

22.09.2016 - 22.12.2016
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Les mains d'Horvat a la une

Horvat's hands

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Une promenade à Carrare a la une

Une promenade à Carrare

25.04.2012 - 20.07.2012
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Photographies de Pierre Jamet a la une

Photographs by Pierre Jamet

10.02.2011 - 09.04.2011
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From May 13th to July 31st, 2015, the Dina Vierny Gallery presents two series of photographs by Frank Horvat: "Baffo" and "The Hands of Horvat".

In his "Baffo" series, created in 2008, Frank Horvat drew inspiration from the erotic poems of Zorzi Baffo, an 18th-century Venetian poet, by photographing views of Venice as well as bodies in the intimacy of a bedroom. In 2012, he photographed his own hands, like close-up portraits, revealing "with more eloquence than he would wish, his age and the degradation it brings (...)". The exhibition also features photographs from the 1950s taken in Paris.

Born in 1928 in Italy, Frank Horvat is the author of an innovative and multifaceted body of work that has influenced numerous photographers. In 1950, after meeting Henri Cartier-Bresson, he became an independent photojournalist, then worked mainly for "Life" and "Picture Post". From 1957, Frank Horvat became a fashion photographer in Paris and imposed a different style that renewed the previously stiff and frozen fashion photography. He photographed for the biggest fashion magazines such as "Jardin des modes", "Elle", "Glamour", "Vogue", "Harper's Bazaar", in Paris, London, and New York. Subsequently, he created photographic series on eclectic themes ("Trees" - "True Likenesses" - "Bestiary" - "Mythologies" - "Degas' Sculptures" - "Veronica" - "Carrara" - "Baffo" - "The Hands of Horvat"...). From the 1990s onwards, he was one of the first to use computers and experiment with digital imagery.




Aped quas parum qui beaquae preped eum volupitae odis re culpa volor autes nesciis am inus veliquibus. Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvelEt ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel


Aped quas parum qui beaquae preped eum volupitae odis re culpa volor autes nesciis am inus veliquibus. Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel


image de produit


Dimensions, technique, date
35 €
image de produit
Dimensions, technique, date
35 €
image de produit
Dimensions, technique, date
35 €


The Home of Dina Vierny - by Marie Anne Derville

18.10.2023 - 28.10.2023
Lire la suite
La peur au ventre a la une

La peur au ventre

22.11.2019 - 21.01.2020
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Nina Mushinsky – Portraits

Nina Mushinsky – Portraits

07.11.2018 - 24.11.2018
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Frank Horvat – Horvatyear – Diptyques

Frank Horvat – Horvatyear – Diptyques

03.11.2017 - 19.11.2017
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Willy Maywald et la Mode a la une

Willy Maywald et la Mode

30.03.2017 - 13.05.2017
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Frank Horvat – Photos CON

Frank Horvat – Photos CON

22.09.2016 - 22.12.2016
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Les mains d'Horvat a la une

Horvat's hands

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Une promenade à Carrare a la une

Une promenade à Carrare

25.04.2012 - 20.07.2012
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Photographies de Pierre Jamet a la une

Photographs by Pierre Jamet

10.02.2011 - 09.04.2011
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21.03.2021 - 20.06.2021


Aped quas parum qui beaquae preped eum volupitae odis re culpa volor autes nesciis am inus veliquibus.Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Aped quas parum qui beaquae preped eum volupitae odis re culpa volor autes nesciis am inus veliquibus.Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Aped quas parum qui beaquae preped eum volupitae odis re culpa volor autes nesciis am inus veliquibus.Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Aped quas parum


The Home of Dina Vierny - by Marie Anne Derville

The Home of Dina Vierny - by Marie Anne Derville
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La peur au ventre a la une

La peur au ventre

La peur au ventre
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Nina Mushinsky – Portraits

Nina Mushinsky – Portraits

Nina Mushinsky – Portraits
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Frank Horvat – Horvatyear – Diptyques

Frank Horvat – Horvatyear – Diptyques

Frank Horvat – Horvatyear – Diptyques
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Willy Maywald et la Mode a la une

Willy Maywald and fashion

Willy Maywald et la Mode
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Frank Horvat – Photos CON

Frank Horvat – Photos CON

Frank Horvat – Photos CON
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Les mains d'Horvat a la une

Horvat's hands

Horvat's hands
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Une promenade à Carrare a la une

Une promenade à Carrare

Une promenade à Carrare
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Photographies de Pierre Jamet a la une

Photographs by Pierre Jamet

Photographs by Pierre Jamet
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