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In the Communal Kitchen


In the Communal Kitchen


In the Communal Kitchen



The exhibit In the Communal Kitchen. New Documents and Materials took place in May 1992 in the Gallery of Dina Vierny, who graciously agreed to show these documents to the Parisian public.
'The Chronicles', numerous objects with texts under them, were arranged in eight large glass cases in which, very unfortunately, not all material fit, and the selection of the most characteristic documents presented great difficulties), and were arranged along the entire perimeter of two halls of the gallery.
For the display of Announcements' the gallery ordered and assembled eight wooden stands, in the exact size and material insofar as possible so as to replicate the original stands of that place from where they originated. The stands were not hung up on the walls, but each was placed on its own showcase in order to create, according to the ideas of the exhibit's organizers, that temporary, accidental quality of the entire exposition which would correspond to the very spirit of the material presented.
Next to each stand hung a page with translations into French of all the texts of the announcements and orders. Translations of The Chronicles which were arranged in the cases, were located separately under each object with its label.
An important part of the exhibit was the special atmosphere which was created in the gallery and which provided the oppor-unity for absorbed reading and examination of the exhibits pre-sented. This was achieved on account of the special arrangement of the lighting in the gallery, where all the light was concentrated on the cases and stands; at the same time all the rest of the dwelling was immersed in shadows. The entire exposition as a whole recreated the atmosphere of a scholarly library or museum.
The exhibit was received with great interest by Parisians and not only because of the peculiarities of the displayed materials, but also because of the superbly organized and well-conceived means of its demonstration. Here should be included the red booklet and poster released for the exhibit, but most of all, the detailed and profound explanations which were provided to interested visitors by the director of the gallery, Olivier Lorquin who knows the materials and all the circumstances connected to them well, not by hearsay, but rather by a personal and long-standing acquaintance with them.




Aped quas parum qui beaquae preped eum volupitae odis re culpa volor autes nesciis am inus veliquibus. Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvelEt ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel


Aped quas parum qui beaquae preped eum volupitae odis re culpa volor autes nesciis am inus veliquibus. Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel

artiste image a la une


Ilya Kabakov was born in Dnepropetrovsk, Soviet Union, in 1933. In 1951, he studied graphic arts at Moscow’s Surikov Institute, graduating in 1957. Due to the political climate, the young artist was unable to show his work to the public, as ...





01.12.2023 - 09.03.2024
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lexistence est ailleurs Existence Is Elsewhere a la une exhibition

Existence Is Elsewhere

29.06.2023 - 15.09.2023
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70 ans déjà

70 ans déjà

25.01.2017 - 24.03.2017
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The exhibit In the Communal Kitchen. New Documents and Materials took place in May 1992 in the Gallery of Dina Vierny, who graciously agreed to show these documents to the Parisian public.
'The Chronicles', numerous objects with texts under them, were arranged in eight large glass cases in which, very unfortunately, not all material fit, and the selection of the most characteristic documents presented great difficulties), and were arranged along the entire perimeter of two halls of the gallery.
For the display of Announcements' the gallery ordered and assembled eight wooden stands, in the exact size and material insofar as possible so as to replicate the original stands of that place from where they originated. The stands were not hung up on the walls, but each was placed on its own showcase in order to create, according to the ideas of the exhibit's organizers, that temporary, accidental quality of the entire exposition which would correspond to the very spirit of the material presented.
Next to each stand hung a page with translations into French of all the texts of the announcements and orders. Translations of The Chronicles which were arranged in the cases, were located separately under each object with its label.
An important part of the exhibit was the special atmosphere which was created in the gallery and which provided the oppor-unity for absorbed reading and examination of the exhibits pre-sented. This was achieved on account of the special arrangement of the lighting in the gallery, where all the light was concentrated on the cases and stands; at the same time all the rest of the dwelling was immersed in shadows. The entire exposition as a whole recreated the atmosphere of a scholarly library or museum.
The exhibit was received with great interest by Parisians and not only because of the peculiarities of the displayed materials, but also because of the superbly organized and well-conceived means of its demonstration. Here should be included the red booklet and poster released for the exhibit, but most of all, the detailed and profound explanations which were provided to interested visitors by the director of the gallery, Olivier Lorquin who knows the materials and all the circumstances connected to them well, not by hearsay, but rather by a personal and long-standing acquaintance with them.




Aped quas parum qui beaquae preped eum volupitae odis re culpa volor autes nesciis am inus veliquibus. Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvelEt ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel


Aped quas parum qui beaquae preped eum volupitae odis re culpa volor autes nesciis am inus veliquibus. Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel

artiste image a la une One post


Ilya Kabakov was born in Dnepropetrovsk, Soviet Union, in 1933. In 1951, he studied graphic arts at Moscow’s Surikov Institute, graduating in 1957. Due to the political climate, the young artist was unable to show his work to the public, as only artists who were members of the Union of Soviet Artists enjoyed this privilege.

In 1959, however, he became a “candidate member” of the Union of Soviet Artists, which offered...


image de produit


Dimensions, technique, date
35 €
image de produit
Dimensions, technique, date
35 €
image de produit
Dimensions, technique, date
35 €




01.12.2023 - 09.03.2024
Lire la suite
lexistence est ailleurs Existence Is Elsewhere a la une exhibition

Existence Is Elsewhere

29.06.2023 - 15.09.2023
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70 ans déjà

70 ans déjà

25.01.2017 - 24.03.2017
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RACOFF (1904-1982) a la une

RACOFF (1904-1982)

06.06.2018 - 28.07.2018
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21.03.2021 - 20.06.2021


Aped quas parum qui beaquae preped eum volupitae odis re culpa volor autes nesciis am inus veliquibus.Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Aped quas parum qui beaquae preped eum volupitae odis re culpa volor autes nesciis am inus veliquibus.Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Aped quas parum qui beaquae preped eum volupitae odis re culpa volor autes nesciis am inus veliquibus.Rum fuga. Et ernam, que minvel Aped quas parum




Lire la suite
lexistence est ailleurs Existence Is Elsewhere a la une exhibition

Existence Is Elsewhere

Existence Is Elsewhere
Lire la suite
70 ans déjà

70 ans déjà

70 ans déjà
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RACOFF (1904-1982) a la une

RACOFF (1904-1982)

RACOFF (1904-1982)
Lire la suite

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